Dahlia seeds from Little Peaches (open pollinated)

Dahlia seeds from Little Peaches (open pollinated)
Dahlias from seed are unpredictable and can vary greatly from the parent plant. These seeds are collected from Little Peaches dahlias, they are open pollinated from my dahlia farm, where I grow every colour dahlia, meaning you never know what beauties you could get. The surprise as each new seedling opens is so much fun, dahlias from seed are unpredictable, so you never know what you will get. Growing from seed is how you produce new dahlia varieties, they will not be the same as the parent plant, however they could inherit some qualities of the parent plant. Dahlias from seed will produce tubers in the first year which will be an entire new variety. New varieties are usually grown for 3 seasons to test stability and quality of the blooms, before they are named and then released. Dahlia seeds are incredibly labour intensive to save, it is a very long and fiddly process, each seed has been grown, selected, saved, dried, sorted and checked for viability by myself.Dahlia seeds germinate at all different times, some take much longer than others, some can germinate in 2 days others take a month in the same conditions.
5 seeds per packet.
Limited stock of these beautiful seeds, so a limit of 1 packet per customer/per household applies.
Postage to anywhere in Australia except WA, NT and TAS.