Berry Comparison of all the different berries you can grow in your garden
I grow a huge range of berries in my edible garden, there are so many delicious ones to collect, here is a run down of some but not all the different berries available in Australia.
🍓Blueberries grow on thornfree shrubs, delicious fruit, needs a little bit more care than other berries to thrive.
Neika pink raspberry
🍓Neika Pink raspberry very sweet, grows on upright thorny canes. Traditional raspberry plant that creates runners.
Cape gooseberry
🍓Cape gooseberry grow on a large shrub, without thorns, taste is pineapple cross tomato, dies off in harsh frost but will self seed for following year, acts as a perennial in my temperate climate.
🍓Tayberries, a thorned bramble berry, their flavour is like a sweet raspberry, fruit is red incolour. Plants will need support to keep canes upright. traditional bramble berry growing habit.
🍓Chester blackberry, later to ripen so extends your berry season, long upright thornless canes, firm fruit, has wonderful strong upright thornfree canes for use in floral work. will need a support as canes can get quite long and tall.
🍓Loganberries, the fruit grow on thorn less rambling canes, plant habit is that of a traditional brambleberry. Taste like a raspberry, fruits quite early so good one to extend your season, will need support to grow over.
🍓Marionberry, my personal favourite, the sweetest blackberry taste. A thorny plant but well worth it for the taste, they fruit just after the silvanberries and look quite similar. Needs support like any true blackberry does. I grow mine over a berry tunnel.
🍓Gooseberries, I grow two varieties, one thorned and a thorn less, they are tart fruit that grow on large shrubs.
🍓Boysenberries, long thorny canes, the plants need support, mine are grown over a berry tunnel, they taste like a tangy raspberry with the juiciness of a blackberry, very large fruit.
🍓 Red currants, grown on a large shrub without thorns, they are tart and juicy and stunning when added to salads or fruit platters. The plants/shrubs get quite large about 2 to 3m tall if you let them, but can be pruned to be smaller or more of a hedge shape if needed in a small space.
🍓White currants, also grow on the large shrubs, they are similar in taste to the Red currants however sweeter, and very beautiful. The plants/shrubs get quite large about 2 to 3m tall if you let them, but can be pruned to be smaller or more of a hedge shape if needed in a small space.
🍓Strawberries, I grow 12 varieties of strawberries in my garden, this one is a 'Melba'. A great tasting strawberry, aromatic and juicy.
🍓White Alpine strawberries, I grow both reds and white alpines. They are smaller is size than classic strawberries however, what they lack in size they make up for in flavour. The white are incredibly delicious, I wouldn’t be without them in my garden.
🍓Waldo blackberries, a dwarf thornless blackberry, would suit large pot if you gave it support to climb.
🍓Blackcurrants, a large shrub that can take some shade, tart and earthy when eaten fresh, delicious cooked, very tart when eaten raw. The plants/shrubs get quite large about 2 to 3m tall if you let them, but can be pruned to be smaller or more of a hedge shape if needed in a small space.
🍓Lawtonberry a thorned berry, sweet and earthy blackberry flavour, thorny and needs a support to grow on.
🍓Raspberries, I grow a variety of raspberries here to last all season. They grow on upright canes with some thorns. They are sweet and floral with a hint of tartness.
🍓Yellow raspberry, a slightly more subtle raspberry flavour, sweet raspberry lemonade taste. Grows like a true raspberry send out runners.
🍓Silvanberry, a thorned berry, they have an amazing blackberry flavour and very juicy, fruits just before Marionberry and looks very similar, flavour is slightly more tart but still incredible.
🍓Youngberry are the earliest bramble berry in the season, thorn less, very long rambling canes, needs support like a strong arbor or a tunnel. The flavour is more blackberry but tart, but it fruits so early they really extend your growing season.
🍓Jostaberry a cross between blackcurrant, gooseberry they have a tart and fruity flavour. A large shrub, can handle a little shade. Plant looks very much like a blackcurrant however fruit is much larger, and sweeter. The plants/shrubs get quite large about 2 to 3m tall if you let them, but can be pruned to be smaller or more of a hedge shape if needed in a small space.
Not pictured in my flat lay but growing along side my other berries in my garden I also have the following
🍓 Bubbleberry- The pinkish fruits are slightly smaller in size than the widely cultivated red strawberries, but it is packed full of flavour - in fact they are hailed as having the strongest aroma and flavour of them all, with a deliciously sweet bubble gum flavour. They fruit best with a standard strawberry close by for cross pollination.
🍓Pineberry-Just like a strawberry but with the flavour of pineapple, they fruit best with a standard strawberry close by for cross pollination. grows along the ground like a true strawberry and creates runners.
Purple raspberry
🍓Purple raspberry- Incredibly sweet, rambling plant, with thorns, needs support otherwise it will trail on the ground, I grow mine over a berry tunnel. grows like a bramble berry rather than a true raspberry plant.
Alpine strawberry
🍓Alpine strawberry - the tiniest yet tastiest fruit, like a flavour bomb of strawberry going off in your mouth, they can handle more shade than true strawberries and are clumping plants rather than running plants.
Hopefully this list helps you decide what berries you would like to add to your own backyard, happy growing Sam. You can watch a video link below to see how I grow some of my berries in my garden.